African Wildlife Wellbeing

Wildlife Wellbeing Program in Tanzania

Poaching in the Serengeti region is predominantly made up of hunting for bushmeat. The hunting tactics adopted by poachers focus specifically on snares set up throughout the reserve in the hopes of capturing passing wildlife. While the anti-poaching scouts work...

Alien Plants Management

Alien Plant Management in Tanzania

Alien plant species are harmful to indigenous ecosystems, both plants and animals. Comprehensive invasive alien plant management programs are in place in the concessions and in selected neighboring villages to target and eradicate exotic species and prevent reseeding....

Fire Management

Fire Management Program in Tanzania

Fire is an important part of the Serengeti ecosystem. It is a naturally occurring phenomenon that improves nutrient cycling in the soil, leading to more nutritious forage for wildlife. In the Grumeti concessions, fire is used as a tool to...

Wildlife Reintroduction Program

Wildlife Reintroduction Program in Tanzania

The Grumeti Fund is committed to developing programs that support the translocation and reintroduction of a number of endangered and locally extinct wildlife species – both to Grumeti and to the wider Serengeti ecosystem....

Joint Intelligence Unit

Joint Intelligence Unit in Tanzania

Anti-poaching efforts for the Grumeti Fund have been escalated by the establishment of an anti-poaching Joint Intelligence Unit - a collaboration between the Grumeti Fund Law Enforcement Department and the Tanzanian Wildlife Management Authority (TAWA)....

Innovation Technology

Innovative Technology in Tanzania

The Grumeti Fund anti-poaching and law enforcement department makes use of several types of innovative anti-poaching technology to proactively prevent poaching events. Using innovative technology gives the anti-poaching game scouts an edge when patrolling the region....

Special Operations Group

Special Operations Group in Tanzania

Of the 100 strong force of anti-poaching game scouts, 18 individuals have been identified to join an elite special operations anti-poaching unit. These game scouts have proven themselves to be the best of the best: men with absolute integrity and...

Canine Unit in Tanzania

The Grumeti Fund Canine Unit is a dedicated detection and tracking dog unit committed to our ongoing quest to stay one step ahead of poachers. The permanent presence of our rescue dogs – DJ, Radar, Oke, and Tony – and...

Game Scouts in Tanzania

The Grumeti Fund employs a team of 100 anti-poaching game scouts tasked with the important job of protecting African wildlife. Stationed across the 350,000-acre reserve – at camps or in Observation Posts, as a free-ranging Mobile Patrol Unit or as part...

Environmental Education Center in Tanzania

Successful and sustainable wildlife preservation is only possible when quality environmental and wildlife conservation education is in place. ACCF supports Grumeti Fund’s focus on environmental education and the critical role each individual plays in minimizing his or her impact on...

Enterprise Development in Tanzania

Alternative options for income and business development in Tanzania need to be realized so that households that rely on poaching revenue can break free from their dependence on these illegal activities. ACCF supports Grumeti Fund’s partnership with Raizcorp – an...

Youth Education in Africa

Youth Education in Tanzania

The ACCF supports African youth education initiatives run by the Grumeti Fund (GF) in Tanzania. These initiatives focus on providing educational scholarships and mentorship programs to local youth. Specific vocational studies within conservation and tourism sectors are key, and students...

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