Responding to COVID-19

Responding to COVID-19

Responding to COVID-19 The Relationships department has taken on a new role with the arrival of COVID-19 – to help equip and prepare local communities for the possible spread.  Newly appointed Grumeti Fund Relationships Manager, David Mwakipisile, moved out...

Art for Good

Art for Good

Art for Good Over the last week we have seen an enormous amount of support from around the world and we are so appreciative of all the people who took part in the RISE Up challenge on...

Field Ranger Training

Field Ranger Training

Field Ranger Training An Update by Andrew Crichton from Veterans for Wildlife: We face uncertain times – there is no question of that. However, without sounding too cliched, in every challenge lies opportunity. Some things in our world...

In the Air

In the Air

The desire to fly is an idea handed down to us by our ancestors who, in their gruelling travels across trackless lands in prehistoric times, looked enviously on the birds soaring freely through space, at full speed, above all obstacles,...

Equality in the Western Serengeti

Equality in the western Serengeti

Equality in the western Serengeti While we have not solved inequality and women around the world continue to suffer from marginalization – whether you are in Africa or America – we can see significant progress being made....

A Rhino Love Story

A Rhino Love Story It’s Valentine’s Day and the thing we are most in love with at the moment is a very sweet black rhino calf named Zaituni (Kiswahili for Olive).  Zaituni actually came to us in...

The Year Ahead

The Year Ahead Tackling and solving the concurrent challenges of rural poverty and ecosystem degradation is an extremely difficult undertaking. News outlets, social media platforms, thought leaders and politicians all talk about the importance of protecting our natural...

The Telegraph

The Telegraph As poaching becomes more militarised, the only solution is to use technology that poachers do not have. The collars transmit signals via a LoRa network – a long-range, low-power closed wireless platform that uses multiple...

How Education is Creating Change in the Western Serengeti

How Education is Creating Change in the Western Serengeti “Elimu ni shina la maendeleo” the Swahili saying goes. It means education is the root of development, and we here at the Grumeti Fund wholeheartedly believe that. A survey...

CNN Inside Africa

CNN Inside Africa The Serengeti Girls Run is a three day, 63 km, all-women endurance run through Tanzania’s Serengeti. Navigating through iconic wilderness and wildlife, we follow 14 women from across the world as they race for...

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